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How Can We Help You?

Dragonfly Screening Form


Please complete the screening form on the right. We do our best to get back to you within 48-72 hours of your submission, and this is pending reaching out to our clinicians regarding their fit with your needs. Thanks in advance for your patience while we customize your care.

* Required

T: 208.676.1075

F: 855.676.5813

704 E 4th Avenue

Post Falls, ID 83854

Dragonflies Symbolize the change in perspective of Yourself

Please Fill out the form below and we'll be happy to assist you as soon as possible! 

What are you seeking support with? Please check all that reflect a primary therapy need for support. Under "other" please indicate anything else that would be helpful to know about you in considering a therapist match.
Please indicate your insurance situation. All of our therapists take insurance, but the type of insurance does vary between therapists. We do our best to match based on your insurance. Select all that apply.
Some of the therapists are private self-pay only. Is private pay an option?

*For the most comfortable experience with your clinician, please refrain from wearing strong perfumes, hair products, soaps etc, prior to an appointment, your cooperation is greatly appreciated! 

Thanks for submitting!

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